
Energy slump. Hopefully it comes back so that I don’t waste my going-on-6-days egg whites.

Also, I made some lemon curd, but didn’t like it. It was unbearably sweet. Maybe it’s supposed to be? I don’t know- I’ve never tasted it. Also also, something about the consistency made me queasy. I think it’s all the lemon zest- I wonder if it is lemon zest or little bits of cooked egg. And for some reason that makes me squick.

Bread with your soups!

So now that I know we will be eating soup for weeks, I figured I’d throw my husband a bone and make some bread to dip or eat along with all of this soup.  Because we’re eating it.  No mercy.

I have a little experience making my own bread.  I have been using a recipe for honey-wheat bread, but this “light wheat” recipe is much awesomer in my opinion.  I had to halve it, though, because that lady was crazycakes.

I took A LOT of pictures, and plan to explain each step.  Forgive my wordiness, but it’s for people confounded by homemade bread.  It’s really not so bad.  There is very little hands-on time…. mostly just waiting.  PERFECT for those of us with short attention spans or those of us with little kids that need to be redirected every 15 minutes.

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