Too Many Toys

My kid has a lot of toys.  It’s bad.  We’ve essentially given her a whole room (in addition to her bedroom) for toy storage.  I’ve banished her toys from the living room.  I felt like I needed to NOT HAVE TO SEE TOYS once she’s in bed.

Still, this room was out of control, and I wanted to corral it.  I was looking at those toy organizers made from bins, but didn’t really want to spend the money on something that would eventually be worthless.

I snuck me to the Container Store today… and I was in and out of there within 30 minutes.  I am pretty sure that has never happened ever.  I walk in there and start to twitch because I want everything.  I lose my mind.

But I was focused.  I went for the stacking baskets, which were okay, but saw other ones next to them that I likes better…. for only $1 more.  So 6 bins, several hours, and lots of supreme annoyance later, I have results.


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Why I dumped Springpad

When I found Springpad, I was all about it.  I liked the graphic “post it note” way they dispayed Notebooks.  Yeah, Evernote technically has the same functionality, but I’m very MEH about it.

Also, at least 5 times now, I have edited a note online via my computer just to have NONE OF IT SAVED.  Freaking stupid.  I’ve lost hours of work.  And no, I wasn’t doing anything stupid like simultaneously messing with the phone app.  Yesterday, I added a line to a note via phone app, saved it, and it was already missing when I checked my phone a second later.  WTF.

The last nail in the coffin is trying to log on to access all my stuff…and the site is down for maintenance.  At noon on a workday?  REALLY?  Pretty colors may factor into about 85% of my decision making processes, but in this case I’m sticking with Evernote.

Get your shit together, Springpad.

UPDATE:  Springpad continues to woo me.

Getting organized

Do I usually do titles in “title case”?  I can’t remember.  Also, I KNOW you’re supposed to include the ending punctuation within the quotes if it ends the sentence, but that annoys me.  I wasn’t trying to say “title case?”…I just wanted to say “title case”.  See what I did there?  I defied it again.

Anyways, I finally organized all my embroidery shit.  I am exceedingly proud of myself.  Here is how I was working before:

Notice the “floss organizer” underneath the pile of floss.  I bought that as a possibly organizing technique…but when I realized that would require me to hand-wind every floss color around a stupid “bobbin” in order to fit in the case, I eschewed that plan.  I hate the word bobbin, too.

Enter this awesome (even if grossly colored) new carrying case!!!!  Plus, it was an extra bonus for being on clearance for $10.  I am all about it.  Again…so proud of myself.  (But this rarely happens, so let me milk it a little bit.)

Look at that hot pin cushion!

All my shit fits!

Yeah, I know we need to cut the tags off those pillows.

Of course, I ran out of the floss-stretcher-thingies, but I’ll go get more today after my mom comes over.  I don’t mind shopping with Big G, but it’s sooooo easier to make a ton of little stops without having to strap her in and out and in and out and in and out of the car seat, cart, stroller.  I’ll bet you got tired just reading that.