Bird Dish Towel for Dot

Dot is my mom.  Yes, we often call her Dot instead of “mom.”  (Yes, I used the correct punctuation.  I am deliberate, people.)

This is a pattern from the Sublime Stitching Craft Pad.  I’ve modified it a touch because parts of it were irritating to me.

What's with the big squiggle?

Namely, the giant squiggle and the asymmetry of the side designs.  Here are some photos of the towel through its progression.  It took me about…4 nights?  (maybe like 6 hours?)  I dunno.  Hell, I don’t time myself.

I used one of the Country Living dish towels that I got from K-town.  It wasn’t too bad to embroider on…but I am concened about it’s longevity.

Now it needs to be washed and ironed….then I will put a big, fat D for Dot in the middle where the squiggle was.

All done!  Embroidery is finished, and it’s been washed and ironed and folded and wrapped.   I’m a little sorry that I placed it so near the bottom of the towel… my oval frames could not house the design.  I guess she could find a rectangle frame if she REALLY wanted to.  After all….it IS a dish towel….even if I don’t want to know how dirty it is going to get.  =)